News Around the Airport
Statement Regarding Vandalism to Automobiles at PTI
Greensboro, N.C. - Piedmont Triad International Airport Police and Greensboro Police are investigating vandalism to over 20 automobiles that were parked in long-term parking at the airport early Sunday morning. The automobiles involved in the incident had windows...
PTI to Hold Public Workshop for Airport Noise Study Update
The Piedmont Triad Airport Authority (PTAA) has begun an update of the Airport Noise Compatibility Planning study for Piedmont Triad International Airport. The original study was approved by the Federal Aviation Administration in November 2008 per Title 14 of the Code...
Federal Aviation Administration Breaks Ground for a New Air Traffic Control Tower at PTI
FAA NewsFederal Aviation Administration, Washington, D.C. 20591FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 5, 2019Washington, DC -- The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will hold a groundbreaking ceremony today for a new Air...
Airport to begin Part 150 Noise Study Update
Greensboro, N.C. - The Piedmont Triad Airport Authority is preparing to update the Noise Compatibility Planning Study for the Piedmont Triad International Airport that was approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in November 2008 per Title 14 of the Code...
Renovation Work will close Main Runway at PTI this Summer
For Immediate Release: April 29, 2019 Greensboro, N.C. - Renovation work will close the main runway at Piedmont Triad International Airport for the summer months, temporarily shifting noise patterns around the airport, according to PTI officials. The work is scheduled...
Carolina Core Goes ‘All In’ on Regionalism with Megasite Co-Branding and New Highway Signage
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 16, 2019 Greensboro, N.C. — Today, business and economic development leaders signaled they are “all in” for regionalism, announcing that several transformational assets in central North Carolina will be branded under the Carolina Core...
Airport Authority Considers Request to Co-Brand PTI Megasite with Carolina Core
For Immediate Release: March 28, 2019 Greensboro, N.C. - The Piedmont Triad Airport Authority (PTAA) is considering a request from the Piedmont Triad Partnership (PTP) to co-brand the airport megasite with the Carolina Core. At Tuesday’s PTAA Board meeting, Board...
Employee Spotlight: Bobby Bowman
This month, the Piedmont Triad Airport Authority would like to spotlight an exemplary employee – Bobby Bowman. Bobby has worked at PTI as a skycap for a total of 39 years. For the past 19 years, he has worked for a company called PrimeFlight,...
Level 3 and 4 Parking Garage Closures
For Immediate Release: February 28, 2019 Beginning February 28, 2019, repair work will begin on level 3 and 4 of the parking garage. Spaces on level 3 and 4 will not be available for use during this construction. Levels 1 and 2 will remain open an unaffected. Please...
NCDOT News Release Report: Airports Contribute $52 Billion, 307,000 Jobs to N.C. Economy
For Immediate Release January 7, 2019 RALEIGH – North Carolina’s publicly owned airports contribute more than $52 billion to the state’s economy and support 307,000 jobs, according to a report released by the N.C. Department of Transportation’s Division of Aviation....
FAQs About Noise
Piedmont Triad International Airport is operated by the Piedmont Triad Airport Authority. The Authority is a seven-member public body with members appointed by the Cities of Greensboro, Winston-Salem, and High Point, and by Forsyth and Guilford Counties. While the...
Frequently Asked Questions 2022 Runway Closure
This week, Runway 5R/23L will be closed for most of the week to complete some work on last year’s runway rehabilitation project. This work was postponed last winter until the weather improved and the work could be completed as quickly as possible. By waiting...