Breeze Airways to start nonstop service to Orlando and Hartford from PTI

Piedmont Triad, N.C. (February 20, 2025) – Breeze Airways has announced that it will begin daily nonstop service from the Piedmont Triad International Airport to both Hartford, CT and Orlando, FL, beginning June 6, 2025. Kevin Baker, Executive Director of the Piedmont...

2025 Call To Artist

Piedmont Triad, N.C. – The Piedmont Triad Airport Authority (PTAA) is now opening the 2025 search for artists with a call for two-dimensional paintings, photographs, mixed media, small three-dimensional sculptures, and large outdoor sculptures. This request is open to...

PTI’s Bethany Medical/Lenny Peters Foundation 5K/10K Run on the Runway

Annual Event Will Benefit Piedmont Triad Hunger Relief Agencies Piedmont Triad, NC – The Piedmont Triad Airport Authority will hold its sixteenth annual Run on the Runway 9 a.m. Saturday, March 22nd. The event includes a 5K run, a 10K run, the Walk to Win Against...

Celebrating 77 Years of American Airlines at PTI

Happy 77th Anniversary to American Airlines at PTI! The journey began on February 20, 1948, with Piedmont Airlines establishing its service at PTI. Over the years, Piedmont evolved through mergers that shaped its legacy. In August 1989, Piedmont merged with US Air,...

January Construction Progress: PTI Facility and Infrastructure Updates

Boom Facility Construction: The contractors are working on some erosion control settlement basin conversion. Otherwise, the building is complete.Bentley Road Project: The DOT has finished paving Bentley Road Extension. The Authority is working with the DOT to...

News Around the Airport

Wings for All® 2018 at Piedmont Triad International Airport

Wings for All® 2018 at Piedmont Triad International Airport

On Oct. 27, 2018, Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTI) was proud to host the fifth annual Wings for All® event in the terminal. Wings for All is designed for individuals with autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities and...

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FAA Announces $40.9 Million for New Tower at GSO

FAA Announces $40.9 Million for New Tower at GSO

10/16/2018 PTI is excited to announce that the FAA is preparing to move ahead with a new Air Traffic Control Tower at our airport for approximately $40.9 million. Washington, DC—The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is investing...

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Update on Hurricane Florence

Update on Hurricane Florence

For Immediate Release: September 13, 2018 The latest forecast from the National Hurricane Center continues to show Florence tracking toward the southeastern United States.   Most Airlines report that they plan to maintain normal flight...

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Hurricane Florence

For Immediate Release: September 11, 2018 The latest forecast from the National Hurricane Center shows Florence tracking toward the southeastern United States by later in the week.  This event may have an impact on flights arriving/departing PTI. We strongly encourage...

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First Week of September a Good Week for the Airport

For Immediate Release September 7, 2018 Piedmont Triad – The first week of September was a big week for Piedmont Triad International Airport. In the space of 48 hours, PTI added Spirit Airlines to its roster of passenger airlines, and saw FedEx increase its cargo...

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FedEx Express Mid-Atlantic Hub to Hire 400 New Workers

Improving Economy and Greater Demand Spur Growth For Immediate Release: August 16, 2018   Piedmont Triad – The FedEx Express Mid-Atlantic Hub at the Piedmont Triad International Airport will add approximately 400 employees over the next several months, according...

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Runway 5R/23L Rehabilitation and Closure

For Immediate Release: June 14, 2018 The next phase of the Runway 5R-23L Rehabilitation project will start on Monday, June 18, 2018. The Runway will be closed entirely for this phase. We anticipate the contractor re-opening the runway near the end of October 2018....

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Passenger numbers are up more than 10 percent at PTI

Enplanements at the airport continue to show strong growth Piedmont Triad - The number of people flying from Piedmont Triad International Airport has continued a strong pattern of growth through the first quarter of 2018, and at least one airline is responding with...

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