Ambassador Appreciation Week

Apr 20, 2020 | Blog, General

In honor of National Volunteer Appreciation week, we would like to take this time to celebrate and thank our amazing team of Airport Ambassadors! Our Airport Ambassadors do a great job in helping passengers from the information booths in the terminal. We take this week to thank them for all of their services.

While the ambassador program at PTI is currently suspended due to the pandemic, we would like to share some photos that they sent to us that show how they have been spending their time while they’re staying at home.

Check out the slideshow below to see what they have been up to!

(Mobile users may need to rotate their phone into landscape mode in order to properly view photos)

Woody Regan

Woody Regan has been spending his time at home catching up on landscaping his yard!

Marcia Regan

Marcia Regan took this time to do her taxes!

Jay Stigler

Jay Stigler is relaxing and catching some rays at home!

Randy Jackson

A quote from Randy (pictured in the top right):

“Our old football broadcast crew from App State has started a YouTube Channel and we do a weekly show called Saturday Evening Quarantine – a play off of a segment we did called Saturday Evening Quarterback that followed games. It has been a big hit. We had over 600 views last week. The guy with the big beard is my son.The other guys is a Hall of Fame QB from App who was our broadcast analyst. We have had a blast doing this show.”

Jim Fryar

Jim wanted to share a beautiful photo he took of the great outdoors right from his patio!

Janine Gauthier

Janine has been monitoring this nest of baby birds for the NC Bluebird Society.!

Jack Banaszak

Jack is taking extra precautions to keep himself safe!

Alice Burkholder

A quote from Alice:

“Here is a shot back when we could go shopping and eat in restaurants! I’m confident those days will come again when all is safe ‘n sound. In the meantime, catching up on reading, cleaning closets, doing some takeout meals and too much napping! I miss my “North Upper Level” desk on Monday mornings and look forward to being back when we get the all clear”

Dick Sherrick & Chris Canipe

Dick and Chris are enjoying some coffee together!

Jim Nelson

Jim is spending his days hanging out on his patio whenever he can!

Spencer Sharp

No breaks for Spencer – he’s working hard from his home office!

Roger Cheney

Roger Cheney has been enjoying some great naps with his dog, Bella!

Roger & Lynn Cheney

Roger and his wife, Lynn, have also been working on puzzles together!

Dick Klotz

Dick has been spending his time enjoying good wine from his cellar and relaxing on his patio!

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