The Piedmont Triad International Airport is initiating a campaign to collect creative sidewalk chalk art from around the Piedmont Triad to put on display inside terminal as inspiration for PTI’s travelers and employees.
A committee of employees including TSA, Facilities, Police, Fire, Airlines and Ambassadors will choose their favorites to be showcased on the Airport’s video screens throughout the terminal and on the airport’s web site – flyfrompti.com.

Show the PTI team that you appreciate everything they are doing for our airport and to help keep our community running. Draw your own sidewalk art and get creative with inspirational or encouraging art and messages to those essential workers in the Piedmont Triad! You can upload your picture here: flyfrompti.com/chalkart.
Submissions will be accepted online from May 22 through June 5.
After selection, the winners will be shown on the screens throughout the terminal. The artwork and messages will also be displayed on our website. Those whose art is selected to be showcased will be notified via email that their work will be displayed and PTI will take a picture of the artists’ work on the monitor and send it to them.