Piedmont Triad International Airport Lost & Found
Reporting an Item You Have Found
Property found on the PTI Airport campus may be turned in at any time to Lost and Found Services managed by the PTI Airport Police Department.
Found items may be turned in to the following locations:
- Information Center (located near the security checkpoint of each concourse)
- Gate desk or ticket counter
- Airport Authority office (located near the terminal’s center on the upper / departures level)
Inquiries About an item You Have Lost
Please note:
- Anything left at the TSA checkpoint may only be retrieved by contacting TSA Lost and Found at (336) 931-9601.
- Anything left on an aircraft may only be retrieved by contacting the individual airline’s lost and found.
Lost and Found Services managed by the PTI Airport Police Department are categorized as property and non-property.
Non-property items such as clothing, perishable items and, personal grooming items may be claimed in the drop-off box inside the Police Department lobby located near the terminal’s center on the lower level.
All Property Items such as cell phones, wallets, and keys may be claimed by completing our lost property form here. Please note: property items are stored for 180 days.
Having issues with the website form? Please email us directly at lostandfound@gsoair.org.
Examples of items that will be stored as property:
- Cell phones
- Laptops / iPads / Tablets
- MP3 Players / iPods
- Wallets / Purses
- Cash / Currency
- Eyeglasses
- Musical Instruments
- Keys
- Jewelry
- Any item with ownership information (i.e.: Driver’s License, Passports, Credit Cards, etc.)
Items stored as property may be claimed by submitting the form below.
Examples of non-property items:
- Clothing items, to include blankets or bedding materials (pillows)
- Perishable items / Food
- Flammable items (Lighters, etc.)
- Small recreational items (Water bottles, basketballs, soccer balls, Frisbees, etc.)
- Personal grooming items (Hair brushes, bows, ribbons, combs, hair gel, etc.)
- Intentionally abandoned property (Electronic equipment that obviously does not work, damaged furniture, items placed in plastic bags by trash cans, etc.)
- Office Supplies (Notebooks, pens, etc.)
- Umbrellas
- Luggage
Non-property items may be claimed in the drop-off box outside of the Police Department located near the terminal’s center on the lower level.