About PTI


The current passenger terminal facility began operations on October 9, 1982 and has undergone several renovations and expansions.

The passenger terminal building contains:

  • 296,000 square feet on two public levels
  • 65,000 square feet on the service level below ground level
  • 25 aircraft parking positions adjacent to the two concourses
  • Separate baggage claim and ticket counter areas for each concourse

The airfield facilities include three runways:

  • The main runway, 5/23, is 10,001 feet long.
  • The cross-wind runway, 14/32, is 6,380 feet long.
  • The parallel runway, 5L/23R, is 9,000 feet long.

A Marriott Hotel, housing 299 rooms, is located on the loop road between the terminal building complex and Ted Johnson Parkway.

Airport Campus

Piedmont Triad International Airport is part of a 4,000-acre campus. The campus is home to more than 50 companies that infuse nearly $6 billion into the local community annually. More than 8,600 people work on the campus. PTI is owned and operated by the Piedmont Triad Airport Authority. No local tax dollars are used to operate the airport.

Piedmont Triad International Airport

1000 Ted Johnson Pkwy
Greensboro, NC 27409


Located at the center of North Carolina and the midpoint of the East Coast, Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTI) is located at the hub of the  Piedmont Triad region. The airport is situated between the cities of Greensboro, Winston-Salem and High Point where I-40, I-85 and  I-73/I-74 converge. More than 4.5 million people live within a 90-minute drive of PTI.

Hours of Operation

The terminal building is open 24 hour a day, 365 days a year. TSA checkpoints open at 4:15 a.m. every day.


Click below for interesting facts and helpful information about PTI Airport.


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Airport Statistics

Cargo Statistics

JANUARY - 202510,253,64410,199,96653,67812,781,485-23%
DECEMBER - 202415,935,04615,899,9135,13419,546,995-32%
NOVEMBER - 20242,557,39713,726,03949,81716,333,253-33%
OCTOBER - 20242,796,91515,314,90272,21518,184,032-33%
SEPTEMBER - 20241,594,45913,409,07441,20515,044,738-33%
AUGUST - 2024243,23416,407,70538,87616,949,835-32%
JULY -2024197,01014,516,33535,38414,748,729-31%
JUNE - 2024131,62013,638,83841,58713,812,045-32%
MAY - 202488,93915,456,01453,44115,598,394-30%
April - 202467,94214,983,25843,91215,095,112-28%
MARCH - 202418,50515,311,70457,78915,387,998-28%
FEBRUARY- 20247614,301,38259,03214,360,490-22%
JANUARY - 24525,23716,042,48540,08416,607,806-23%
DECEMBER - 23602,23824,901,08036,09225,539,410-17
NOVEMBER - 23591,69123,883,58736,49024,511,768-17
JANUARY - 23982,09920,562,00828,69821,572,805-15
DECEMBER - 221,301,070 29,410,807 26,886 30,738,763 -14.05
NOVEMBER - 221,009,217 28,643,348 45,231 29,697,796 3.49
OCTOBER-22998,221 27,078,842 65,259 28,142,322 -4.44
SEPTEMBER-221,015,274 28,384,692 59,505 29,459,471 0.81
AUGUST-221,004,167 29,134,765 41,081 30,180,013 5.13
JULY-221,002,342 26,961,228 36,573 28,000,143 2.56
JUNE-221,045,858 30,316,824 48,633 31,411,315 13.05
MAY-22981,899 26,246,711 48,392 27,277,002 2.88
APRIL-221,259,021 27,170,796 45,748 28,475,565 -3.20
MARCH-221,869,386 30,811,706 40,816 32,721,908 14.03
FEBRUARY-221,063,463 24,784,289 48,035 25,895,787 14.10
JANUARY - 221,008,891 24,291,516 50,962 25,351,369 -2.85
DECEMBER - 21924,409 34,806,824 30,739 35,761,972 14.23
NOVEMBER - 21869,448 27,780,066 46,612 28,696,126 34.45
OCTOBER-21931,958 28,442,680 74,936 29,449,574 20.84
SEPTEMBER-21953,432 28,210,153 58,768 29,222,353 92.02
AUGUST-21903,631 27,758,536 45,993 28,708,160 117.25
JULY-21.918,488 26,343,842 38,145 27,300,475 99.79
JUNE-21898,966 26,862,345 25,166 27,786,477 39.69
MAY-21947,254 25,560,531 6,171 26,513,956 112.40
APRIL-21979,371 28,427,614 9,182 29,416,167 161.50
MARCH-21744,670 27,937,286 13,933 28,695,889 52.88
FEBRUARY-21885,205 21,808,972 1,723 22,695,900 29.91
JANUARY - 21785,220 25,309,693 1,447 26,096,360 37.79
DECEMBER - 20787,032 30,503,761 17,355 31,308,148 38.90
NOVEMBER - 20834,888 20,472,645 36,187 21,343,720 4.24
OCTOBER-201,067,848 23,259,812 43,277 24,370,937 7.28
SEPTEMBER-20852,640 14,325,292 40,146 15,218,078 -24.34
AUGUST-20845,095 12,327,512 41,859 13,214,466 -38.36
JULY-20766,189 12,895,960 2,303 13,664,452 -31.24
JUNE-20685,250 12,478,324 1,388 13,164,962 -33.81
MAY-200 12,482,574 169 12,482,743 -45.52
APRIL-201 11,248,499 404 11,248,904 -47.99
MARCH-2094,203 18,625,095 50,725 18,770,023 -13.91
FEBRUARY-20126,796 17,265,923 77,717 17,470,436 -6.88
JANUARY - 20132,367 18,745,446 61,327 18,939,140 -10.06
DECEMBER - 19117,838 22,357,093 65,059 22,539,990 19.73
NOVEMBER - 19151,415 20,273,643 50,898 20,475,956 -3.94
OCTOBER-19163,089 22,479,097 75,137 22,717,323 -1.09
SEPTEMBER-1963,197 19,988,473 62,204 20,113,874 0.34
AUGUST-19150,406 21,226,143 62,693 21,439,242 43.30
JULY-19118,943 19,711,322 43,253 19,873,518 59.57
JUNE-19120,280 19,723,324 47,474 19,891,078 48.79
MAY-19156,686 22,693,243 63,808 22,913,737 65.74
APRIL-19105,969 21,459,369 61,993 21,627,331 75.92
MARCH-1994,113 21,636,048 72,345 21,802,506 59.09
FEBRUARY-19139,275 18,540,376 81,454 18,761,105 57.97
JANUARY - 19161,654 20,820,023 76,000 21,057,677 65.1

Month-YearMailFreight-Cargo CarrierFreight-Passenger CarrierTotalYoY Inc/(Dec) %
2021 10,742,052 329,248,542 352,815 340,343,409 61%
2020 6,192,309 204,630,843 372,857 211,196,009 -17%
2019 1,542,865 250,908,154 762,318 253,213,337 35%
2018 1,781,034 185,632,226 673,099 188,086,359 13%
2017 1,988,070 164,199,943 758,522 166,946,535 14%
2016 1,610,397 143,993,625 661,481 146,265,503 -4%
2015 2,242,665 149,256,495 599,950 152,099,110 -7%
2014 2,190,651 161,036,576 570,399 163,797,626 -15%
2013 1,972,825 190,249,563 1,083,441 193,305,829 -1%
2012 719,927 192,990,511 1,323,900 195,034,338 3%
2011 2,176 189,281,959 613,436 189,897,571 0%
2010 1,137 190,130,260 490,135 190,621,532 7%
200948 177,566,103 641,066 178,207,217 16%
2008 4,153 151,692,989 1,374,266 153,071,408 98%

Passenger Statistics
Month-YearEnplanementsDeplanementsTotalYoY Inc/(Dec) %
January - 202566,52469,038135,5623%
December - 202484,52979,750164,2792%
November - 202481,86581,181163,0461%
October - 202491,52392,921184,44420%
September - 202482,72682,194164,9208%
August - 202486,63084,760171,39012%
July - 202488,16589,095177,26016%
June - 202490,66387,648178,31117%
May - 202487,81185,474173,28513%
April - 202483,47884,949168,42718%
March - 202479,58678,768158,35411%
February- 202466,17764,842131,01917%
January- 202461,62662,821124,44711%
December- 23 73,03669,970143,0065%
YearEnplanementsDeplanementsTotalYOY % Inc/(Dec)
2021 628,391 627,344 1,255,735 66%
2020 378,279 376,473 754,752 -65%
2019 1,078,247 1,067,682 2,145,929 15%
2018 939,416 934,512 1,873,928 7%
2017 879,198 879,198 1,758,396 4%
2016 847,004 839,962 1,686,966 0%
2015 842,190 841,760 1,683,950 1%
2014 837,450 830,509 1,667,959 -2%
2013 848,605 845,683 1,694,288 -5%
2012 888,773 887,314 1,776,087 0%
2011 893,099 883,926 1,777,025 6%
2010 843,995 836,958 1,680,953 -2%
2009 863,745 850,679 1,714,424 -22%

Airport FAQs

How is the airport governed?

The airport is governed by an airport authority, which is an independent entity formed by the North Carolina General Assembly in 1941. The authority owns and operates Piedmont Triad International Airport. It functions much like an independent municipality with its own police force, fire department, operations, parking facilities, and administration. The enabling legislation that created the airport provides the airport authority with the oversight and decision-making authority for all aspects of airport operations.

There are seven members of the airport authority board. Three are appointed by the Guilford County Board of Commissioners, one by the Greensboro City Council, one by the High Point City Council, one by the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners, and one by the Winston-Salem City Council. The enabling legislation establishes three-year terms for each board member but does not set a limit on the number of terms each board member may serve.

How is the airport funded?

The airport is self-funded. The airport derives all of its operating income from ongoing activity and operations. This includes landing fees collected from airlines, tenant leases, parking fees, rental cars and concessions. No taxes are used for the operation of the airport. A portion of capital improvements at the airport are funded by state and federal tax dollars, but these funds are limited exclusively to specific building projects such as taxiway improvements or road access.

Why doesn’t the airport have more non-stop flights to more destinations?

Airlines determine the level of service in a community based on the community’s demand for service. Airports can ask airlines to provide more service, but that’s the extent of an airport’s influence. It’s up to the airline to decide what service it will provide, and the associated fares and frequency of service.

The good news is that Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTI) has non-stop flights to many major hub cities. You can get to virtually anywhere in the world with one stop from PTI.

More airlines serve Raleigh and Charlotte with direct flights because there is far more demand for air service in those cities. Airlines will not provide regular service if they can’t profitability fill a plane with passengers. It’s that simple.

Triad residents who drive to the airports in Raleigh and Charlotte increase demand in those markets and decrease demand in their home market. If you fly from PTI, you are helping to encourage airlines to provide more service here.

Why are some fares at PTI higher than in Raleigh and Charlotte?

There is a greater demand for air service in Raleigh and Charlotte because far more people fly from those cities and they fly more frequently. This demand for air service attracts more airlines to those markets, including more low-cost passenger carriers. The low-cost carriers depress prices on some routes, making it cheaper to fly to those destinations from Raleigh and Charlotte than from PTI, where there are fewer low-cost carriers and less competition to keep fares low.

What is the airport authority doing to attract better air service?

Our airport authority is determined to provide as much air service as possible to our airport users and to keep fares as low as possible. The authority works hard to recruit new service and to retain the service that we already have. An incentive program is in place to entice airlines to bring new service to Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTI). The authority also conducts regular visits with new airlines to encourage them to bring service to the airport and with existing airlines to encourage them to expand service.

Why is PTI called an International Airport?

Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTI) is considered an international airport because we have customs service and border patrol, which allows us to accept international flights on the passenger side and on the cargo side. While there may be no regularly scheduled passenger service outside the United States, the airport had about 350 international flights last year. Some of these were international passenger flights diverted to our airport, as well as charters, cargo flights and private jets that use our airport.

Who are the largest employers at the airport?

Honda Aircraft Company, which has its world headquarters at the airport, is one of the two largest employers at the airport with more than 1,700 employees. Honda also employs about 80 people at its Honda Aero facility in Alamance County, which manufactures engines for the HondaJet.

HAECO Americas, one of the world’s largest maintenance and repair companies, is the airport’s other leading employer. HAECO Americas has its North American headquarters at the airport and employs more than 1,700 people at or near the airport. In 2018, HAECO opened another hangar at the airport, which could lead to an additional 500 jobs.

What is the airport’s economic impact on the community?

The airport has two primary missions. The first is to provide safe and efficient passenger service. The second is to act as an economic generator for the community. The airport supports more than 8,600 direct employees jobs, which would make it the eighth-largest employer in the Piedmont Triad. The airport also contributes about $8.6 billion to the local economy each year and a substantial amount to the local and state tax base. The airport is a major economic contributor to the community.

What is PTI doing to attract more jobs to the airport?

The airport authority is moving aggressively to bring more jobs to the airport. The airport has acquired more land and is building a taxiway to provide access across I-73 to give airport access to about 1,000 acres that will be developed for use by aerospace companies. An aviation task force that includes the airport and economic development partners has hired a full-time senior aviation specialist to recruit new companies to the airport, which will mean more investment and more jobs for the community.

How many runways does PTI have?

PTI has three runways that are used by our airlines and other companies that do business at the airport.

  • The main runway, 5/23, is 10,001 feet long.
  • The cross-wind runway, 14/32, is 6,380 feet long.
  • The parallel runway, 5L/23R, is 9,000 feet long.
How many total passengers fly out of PTI?

Click here to access our enplaned passenger statistics!

How old is the terminal and how big is it?

The current passenger terminal facility began operations on October 9, 1982 and has undergone several renovations and expansions.

The passenger terminal building contains:

  • 296,000 square feet on two public levels
  • 65,000 square feet on the service level below ground level
  • 25 aircraft parking positions adjacent to the two concourses
  • Separate baggage claim and ticket counter areas for each concourse.
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